
Monday, January 30, 2012

It turns out that "I AM the SOCK MONSTER!"

Back when I was working full time, I hated the idea of sending my daughter to daycare.  Don't get me wrong, the daycare center we used was nice but there was just something missing.  It was me.  So after months of debating and listing the pros & cons, I left my career in the Direct Mail/Print industry to be a Stay-At-Home Mom.  Or SAHM for short.

Let me first say that I have never been a "Domestic Goddess".  I get by with as little housecleaning as I possibly know "spot cleaning"...AND that ugly 7-letter word "L-A-U-N-D-R-Y".  I've always dreamed of having a cleaning service come in and do all the ugly stuff, bathrooms & such.  But living on one just isn't in the budget.

So, where was I...  Oh right...I AM the SOCK MONSTER!

Am I the only one who has one of these?    I call it the "Sock Basket".  If you don't have socks in your drawer, you check the "Sock Basket". 

This is why I HATE Socks!  Yes, they keep your feet warm but each and every time I enter the laundry room I see this UGLY basket.  It calls out to me "Hey you!  Shouldn't you be folding me sometime soon?"  "What kind of mother are you?"  "Put down that cup of de-lish coffee and sort me!"

That leads me up to my daughter's sock drawer.  When you have a basket that looks like that, you have a drawer that looks like this!

No child should have a drawer like this...

But the good news is...Last night I was surfing on my new favorite site - Pinterest.  And I found something that will help me get rid of the "Sock Basket" FOREVER!


Why didn't I think of this before?  This is GENIUS!  Each person in the "fam" keeps a Mesh Bag on the back of their door.  When they take their socks off at the end of the day, they simply put them in their mesh bag INSTEAD of their hamper!  When it gets full, the entire bag gets thrown into the wash and VIOLA!  NO MORE "SOCK BASKET"!  No more sorting..   No more snide comments coming from the "Sock Basket".

So, take THAT, you stupid "Sock Basket".  If my kids were to read this, I'd be getting in trouble for using the "Stupid" word.... But they are, STUPID "Sock Basket!  Be gone with you!

I'd like to send a "Thank you" to  "I'm a Lazy Mom" for coming up with such an awesome idea and spreading the word about it on her site.  And thank you to Pinterest. for allowing us the ability to get the word out about a simple solution for a monster of a problem.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Beauty and the Beast in 3D. What could possibly be different?

Yes, skeptical could be my middle name.

But before we were invited to see Beauty and the Beast in 3D at a screening premiere in King of Prussia, I was a bit, um, unconvinced that I could like Beauty & the Beast any more than I all ready did.  Let me put it this way, out of all the Disney movies out there, Beauty and the Beast was and is my absolute favorite!

But back to my point...what could possibly be different? 

The colors, the details, "introducing a whole new generation to the Disney classic with stunning new 3D imagery" as detailed on the studio website.  "The film captures the fantastic journey of Belle (voice of Paige O'Hara), a bright and beautiful young woman who's taken prisoner by a hideous beast (voice of Robby Benson) in his castle. Despite her precarious situation, Belle befriends the castle's enchanted staff–a teapot, a candelabra and a mantel clock, among others–and ultimately learns to see beneath the Beast's exterior to discover the heart and soul of a prince."

What was different to me?  Yes, I saw this movie many moons ago when I was a teenager.  But watching it now as an adult and mother to two little ones, I noticed all of the detail in the scenery.  I noticed minutiae things that I once overlooked.  It gave me a whole new appreciation of all the time & energy and planning that goes into a masterpiece such as this.

So, if you are on the fence on whether or not to see this wonderful movie again at the theater...I highly, highly recommend that you do so.  See this movie again through the eyes of your little ones but outside the cute story line you will notice a whole new world in a "tale as old as time".

I'd like to thank Cheryl Baker, Account Executive for Radio Disney, Philadelphia for allowing my daughters' and I the opportunity to see the screening of Beauty and the Beast in 3D at the United Artists, King of Prussia Stadium 16, last weekend.