Preschool may be a child’s first introduction to a community
of similarly aged peers. While different
preschools have their own philosophies with regards to education and learning
environments, one thing remains the same:
preschoolers need to learn how to socialize with others.

A child needs to build their sense of confidence and self
esteem. This means, he or she needs to
feel good about themselves. Giving a
child praise for good choices or complimenting him or her on a project they
made helps a child build their confidence.
However, that is confidence and self esteem from parents or adults. Preschool socialization helps develop
confidence with peers.
Sharing and cooperation are two other important
socialization skills. A way to help
develop these skills is by playing games, singing songs or reading stories.
For your young child, play is important work. He or she grows, learns and investigates the
world through play. Curiosity plays a
key role in this exploration which also helps with developing socialization
Communication is a key part of socialization. Your child expressing themselves and representing
his ideas, feelings, and knowledge about the world is a key skill for your
child. When a situation or conflict
occurs, ask your child how he or she feels.
By talking it through you can help your child understand his or her

Robin Hagy, Guest Blogger for Lehigh Valley Family Fun