Thursday, July 11, 2013

Mom's Movie Review: Despicable Me 2

It was hotter than blue blazes today! So, instead of filling the inflatable baby pool, my gang headed to the AMC on Tilghman to watch a movie. This was the first time in YEARS that my husband had been to the movies and we brought our girls (5 years and 20 months). The heat must have definitely been getting to us ... we took a 20-month-old to the movies?!

We gave our oldest a choice: Do you want to see Despicable Me 2 or Monsters University? Secretly, I would have been happy watching either one of these, but was glad that she chose Despicable Me 2. I just love those little minions!

The movie is rated PG and seems to be well liked by the general public -- receiving four out of five stars on MSN Entertainment. I don't want to spill the beans too much, but here's the gist:

Dr. Gru is no longer evil ... he's a loving father to the three little orphans from DM1. There's another bad guy in town who wants to take over the world and uses the minions as part of his evil plan. Dr. Gru and girls save the day and the world! The end.

Oh, and there's a lot of jelly , fun new characters, guacamole and a princess party.

My crew really enjoyed this animated sequel. The baby almost lasted the entire movie and even laughed out loud a few times! Sure, the movie was probably not age appropriate for my toddler, but I do not regret taking her.


For more details on Despicable Me 2 and to watch movie trailers, go to the official website. You can even create your own "InstaMinion" on Facebook (which I did, and it was fun and easy to do).

Have you seen Despicable Me 2? What did you think?

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